Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Best Friend Pinki

I've been wanting to do this post for a little while, but after everything that has happened as of late, I feel like it's definitely overdue.

Everyone has a best friend. Some we've had our whole life, some we are related to, some are our spouses, our parents, or someone that we just met, who truly changed our lives. They can be male or female, older or younger than us, different race, religion, or nationality, but we can't help ourselves. There is always that one person that becomes "our person", the person we cry with, call immediately with good or bad news, the person that we call at 3 a.m. and they will always answer.

I've been very fortunate in my life to have many friends, several close friends, and a few best friends. I am still friends with most of them, others have come into and out of my life like the changing of the weather (and in Michigan, that is very often!) and there are those who have drifted off into their own lives as well as me into mine, and we vow that we will talk more, hang out, call, but things always seem to get so busy. But for the last 12 years of my life, for the most part, there has been one constant and that is my wonderful friend Pinki. That of course is not her real name, her real name is Cassie, but that's the name I gave her in high school and that's the name that has stuck! But for the sake of time and this blog, lets just call her C.

C and I met when I first moved to Michigan in 2001. I showed up at cheer leading tryouts and she told me that she liked me pants. And the rest is history. We were inseparable. If you needed to reach me, just call Cassie and visa verse. We spent the night together every weekend, we snuck out together, went to our first party together, BUT we never got in trouble together! ;)

After high school, C and I got into a HUGE argument and we had a falling out. I went on to college and about two months in I received an email from her. We hadn't spoken in 6 months. I still to this day remember what the email said. We were in very different places when we graduated. I was working 80 hours a week at two jobs, I didn't go out, I didn't party, I was more focused on being able to help pay for my school. C was running around with a different crowd who liked to go out, and we just didn't see eye to eye. In this email she apologized for things going bad between us and told me that she realized what I was doing and working towards. She had met a guy (who is now her wonderfully amazing fiancee!) who had to little girls. At 18 she was stepping up to be their mother and to lead by example for them. She didn't go out anymore, she was working two jobs to help her man out with their bills, and I could tell that she had changed.

We still didn't talk very much until I moved back to my parents that summer. We started out slowly, taking our time with this new improved friendship. Meeting for coffee, chatting on the phone, and I could tell right away this was not my party girl friend from high school, and to tell you the truth I was relieved! 6 years later and I'm so glad I got that email!

C is seriously one of the strongest people that I know. She is smart, funny, and has the biggest heart! She has helped me out whenever I need it, she has never hesitated to be there when I needed her, and has taken Cowboy and I into her family with open arms. I love her stepdaughters as much as I would love my own flesh and blood nieces and her future hubby is just as awesome as she is.

We are complete opposites. She's blond, I'm brunette. She has hazel eyes, I have blue. She's a VERY picky eater, I'm Foodbeeb! But there is no one that I get along better with. Some time's we'll just look at each other and say, "How did we become friends?!" She is family, she is my dearest friend, my person, and a huge part of my heart and life.

I wouldn't be the person I am today without her, so thank you Cass! This one's for you girlie! Love you! <3

Jay <3

Sunday, January 6, 2013

60 day Challenge

So, I guess this post competes with all the others about the new year and the annoying resolutions that go along with it. I chose not to make resolution this year because if I want to make a change, and I mean really make one, I want it to be because it's something that I really want to do, instead of something that I feel like I have to do. (That was a huge run-on sentence) I mean, the whole joke about resolutions is that no one sticks with them! BUT ... last night we went out to dinner with some friends that had gotten a gift card to Olive Garden. We stuffed ourselves to capacity and when we got back to their house, C's fiancee brought up this topic of a 60 day couples challenge.

So here's the deal: Which ever couple loses the most combined weight takes the other couple out to dinner and a movie at a chosen restaurant. We will have a halfway weight in 30 days (Feb 15) and then the final weight in will take place (March 16)

Well that sounds all fine and good, but here's the catch 22: Cowboy (the nickname I finally came up with for my boyfriend, who doesn't want me writing about him .. because he's silly) was in a serious accident in Sept and still has a broken wrist. So that pretty much leaves me partner less. SO now it's up to me to carry our team! Yikes!

But all in all I think that this is a pretty neat idea. C is planning for an August wedding and she wants to get back in shape, and I've been looking for motivation only for forever. So I'll let you all know how it goes. And maybe you can hold me to it as well, so long as you don't judge!

Actually I think that would be a good idea, putting up pictures on here and keeping a log of everything I do, my progress, and my joys as I lose this weight. Like I said, so long as you don't judge or be hurtful!!

Any who, other than that our life has been pretty quiet. I just found a part time job, nothing special, but at least it something since losing my other one in November. I'm itching to be back in school, but I think that has to stay on hold for a while. I miss the feeling of cooking in the classroom. Don't get me wrong, I cook almost every meal at my house, but it's just not the same as putting on my whites and being in the classroom. Cowboy's recovery has been slow and painful, but hopefully we are now on the upwards climb!

How was everyone else's New Year? Any other resolutions?

jay <3

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Truth is ...


I know it's been a while and I've left everyone high and dry for a long time, but there has definately been a lot going on in this girls life. So please forgive my absence, once again, and lets start over.

I see a lot of younger people playing this "Truth is" game on Facebook, so I thought I'd take some time and make this post my own little truth is .. It's been a while, and I think you should get to know the new me.

Annnnnd we're off ....

Truth is...

- I'm back in Michigan for now but not sure if it's for good. I do love it here and I'm comfortable with my surroundings but I'm not sure if it will be my forever home just yet. I am however, very sure that I am disappointed by the lack of snow that we are expierencing. I love me some snow, and once it starts getting cold, I'm overly ready for those delicious white flakes to grace us with their presence. I think I'll cry if it's not a white Christmas this year.

- I've been lacking in inspiration. Everyone goes through their ups and downs, but lately I've just kind of stayed in a down mood. I lost my job in November, so I've been just sitting around the house with nothing to keep my brain occupied. You would think that writing would give me some way to break up the monotony, but I can't seem to bring myself to sit down at the computer and spill my guts out on the screen. Even though it's probably what I need the most. That's where the complications of blogging/writting come into play. How much do you let out? How much of your personal life do you paint onto a page and let all your readers take and judge? So I've been battling with that stress as well. To write or not to write, that is always the question.

- I'm dating again. He has decided that he would rather not be named in my blog for whatever reason, so I'll have to come up with a nickname for him along the way. We've been friends for a long time now and dating's never been this easy. He makes me very happy and it's nice to just have someone to laugh with everyday.

-I miss cooking. I cook dinner at the house for us a lot, but I mean really cooking. I miss school, I miss the feel of a real live working, breathing kitchen. I want to go back, but I know I'll have to start at square one all over again, but maybe that'll just make me better the second time around.

- I've been having a lot of trouble wtih my wrists and hands. So I think I am going to cut this post short just on the fact that my hands are starting to go numb. :( Its not fun in the least.

- I do have some catchup post that I need to write out and I promise to have some new pictures and more fooooooood realted talk when I post again. It does feel very good to be back on here writing my story out again.

Until next time ..

jay <3

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pumpkins, Turkey, Baking .. Oh my!

Yes, I know the date.

Yes, I know summer just started.

Yes, I know that we have 3 more months of it ...

But I can't help myself, I'm dreaming of fall.

I know that most people wait all year for summertime, well, not this girl. I paiently wait for the 2 short months that we get to call fall. It is my favorite time of year and in the mitten, it is absolutely perfect. Apple orchards, wine tastings, pumpkin farms, harvest season, chilly nights, football, beautiful leaves .. honestly, what could be better!? Its the best of everything, neatly packaged into a wonderful, hand shaped state.

But I think why I'm most excited is because I have decided (whether anyone else knows it yet or not) to host Thanksgiving this year. I don't know where yet. I currently don't have a "home" there right now while spending the summer in Ohio to help my grandmother. Plus I want to host my entire family, which means I need places for both grown brothers (and their wonderful lady friends), my parents, and my grandmother. (That;s just the list for now, that I've created in my head. Haha.) So that is probably going to need to be sorted out first, but don't rain on my parade just yet!

It doesn't help that over the last few days I've been working on my recipie book and in doing so have been pouring over pictures of turkeys, stuffing, pies and bread. All it's doing is fueling my already, fall loving, fire. There are so many new recipies that I am pulling from magazines and books, that I can say is you all are in for a real treat come September!

Do you look forward to speific seasons and the treats that come along with them?

jay <3

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Little Talks

"There's an old voice inside my head, holding me back. Well tell her that I miss our little talks."

Hello my loveys,

I am currently obsessed what that song right now, and that line in particular. It really says a lot about what I've been dealing with as of late and the reason for my 5 month hiatus. Lets start at the beginning:

(Side note: There comes a time in every blogger's adventure, when you have to decided how much you really want to share with your readers. Do you choose to be completely honest and give full disclosure or do you choose to use your blog as a wall and reveal nothing about yourself. I am trying to keep a happy medium. I am a pretty honest and open person to begin with, but you don't need all the grisly details. I hope this is enough to keep you interested (: ........)

The beginning .... After three years I am once again single. I made the decision to go my own way for a while. I think it was pretty well decided, even though it hurt both of us very much, that things weren't working out the way that we'd hoped. We are still friendly and I wish nothing but the best for him and all the happiness in the world. He is a wonderful person, we just needed to fly our own course.

So after that I was pretty low for a while, didnt' really know where I was going or what I wanted to do any more. I lost a lot of drive and focus. I lost my desire to be around things food related and my grades started to slip .. And as they say, shit rolled down hill.

But it's not all sad I promise! I landed on my feet as I always do. I brushed myself off, shook the hair out of my eyes, and started walking again. I moved down to my Grandmother's for the summer to help her accomplish some of things she needs done at her house. It's bittersweet to be back in my hometown. I do love it down here, but I miss Michigan everyday. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do, or where I want to go with my life, but I am happy for the first time in a very long while.

This is going to be a new adventure for me but I don't know if I've ever been more excited about anything. I hope you all will enjoy the ride with me (:

-jay <3

Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaack

Yes. Its been a while.

4 months to be exact.

But I'm officially back and ready to go.

Things are going to be a little different for the summer time because I am not going to be in any classes, but I will hopefully be spending more time cooking in my kitchen and sharing those experiences with you.

I hope you'll enjoy that just as much and hopefully you'll all stick around for what's next!



Thursday, January 5, 2012


Not like that .. pull your mind out of the gutter ..

Just wanted to do a quickie post, since I have got to do a 2012 post yet : / .. I know I am working on it ..

So I saw this from a blog I follow Une Vie Saine and it kind sumed up my thoughts beautifully so I thougth I would share with you real fast!

Une Vie Saine - Words to Live By

“This is your life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you don’t like your job, quit.
If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful. 
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. 
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating.
Life is short.
Live your dream and share your passion.”

Just a little thing to think about tonight ..

jay <3