Tuesday, October 25, 2011

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything

So this post is going be a little heavy for a food blog, but since this is my platform and my baby, I choose to write about this today. So bear with me.

I know I posted something on here a few weeks ago about this whole occupy me thing and to be honest I am so sick of hearing about it. I don't get it. It makes no sense to me at all as to why people are thinking standing outside is going to make billionaires give up money and/or jobs, but whatever. I am not into politics, I am not a registered voter, and I know that means I can't complain and I have chosen that path for myself and this is why. Not all CEO's are bad. Not all politicians are bad. But all of them get lumped together and some innocent is going to get hurt because people don't just go out and get jobs. Why would you want to be a billionaire in the first place? Sounds like a terrible place to be right now if you ask me. I don't want to be a billionaire. I just want to make enough money to have a family and live comfortably for the rest of my life and that probably means that I am going to have to work into my 60s. But I have also chosen a career that I am passionate about and love so I will hopefully be very content doing that. But seriously, how many of these people actually wrote their congress people or representatives and tried to get assistance if they were upset with the way things were going? And I know people are going to say, “Because all politicians are in the big banks pocket or whatever stupid crap. NOT EVERYONE IS BAD. And if people want money so bad, why aren't we occupying the other half of the 1% instead of bankers, CEOs, and politicians. Where is the occupy NBA, NFL or Hollywood? They make millions of dollars doing what? Making movies, playing sports? Why don't you go occupy them instead of people who are actually working. And yes I am sure there are a lot of corrupt assholes out there who only care for themselves and line their own pockets and all of their cronies, but can we really target everyone? I am so so so sick of hearing words like scandal, corruption, and conspiracy. I am a part of the 99% you're right, but like I said I don't want to make millions. I just want to make enough to be comfortable and happy. I thought maybe I was in the 53% because I liked their message, they were more like me. Work as many hours as I can, go to school over full time, dream big, yada yada, but then I realized I don't want to be a percent I just want to be Jess. My parents raised me middle class, which is a dying breed, I didn't have to ask for a lot, they paid for my education, and I wasn't really without anything. Now at 24, I work as a cashier, looking to get a second job at McDs so I can take over paying my own rent that my amazing parents have helped me out with (thank god) since I have lost my previous job, I go to school full time and am working my ass off trying to get my GPA so I can pay my way to a ridiculously expensive college of my choosing that I believe will put me farther in life. This is why I hate this shit. I don't want to be a percent .. 82, 45, 99, whatever. You want to know what I stand for, what I believe in?

I believe in our military men and women who risk their lives for us every day and who stand ready to defend this nation against enemies foreign and domestic. I believe in the policemen who keep my streets safe so that as a woman living alone I don't have to be afraid at night. I believe in the firefighters whose job it is to run into those buildings that everyone else is running out of. I believe in the teachers who love their jobs and work hard every day to make sure our younger generations have every opportunity they can imagine. I believe in my dad, who was one of nine, and paid for all his own college and worked his ass off to get where he is today and is one of the best guys I know. I believe in my mom who sacrificed her dreams to stay home and raise us and be an amazing mother. I believe in the single mother who works 3 jobs just to pay the bills and day care and save money for her children to go to college. I believe in the nurses and the doctors who save peoples lives, whether they deserve to live or not. I believe in the people who as crazy as they seem risk it all to save every creature on this planet. I believe in the small towns, the entrepreneurs, the farmers, the dreamers, the idealists, the activists, the feminists, the gay rights movement. I believe in a woman's right to choose, equal rights, clean air, good food, laughing, writers, fairy tales, passion. I believe in the things that this country was founded on and I believe in the bill of rights. I believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and most of all I believe in love.

Call me naive, stupid, a hippie, new age, dreamer, ridiculous. I don't give a damn. At the end of the day, this is who I am and what I stand for. This is what really matters to me.

What do you believe in?

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