Sunday, October 30, 2011

If you can't stand the heat ..

SO I know I am sorry that it took so long for me to post this! I had a very busy weekend. But now it's Sunday, My favorite day, and I am gonna take some time this afternoon to talk to all of you! (:

Thursday was amazing .. My first day in the kitchen! I was so excited .. I took lots of pictures!

That was before I left for school. That thing on my head? A sleeve that D gave me to help keep all my little hairs from sticking out of the touque. I apparently am the ONLY one who listened to chef when she said our hair had to be completely inside. But you will see that in the pictures.

My name on my chef's coat. I was so very proud!

My cuts .. Chef said that I did a very nice job on all of them, which made me very happy.

The other half .. my onion was fantastic!

My new best friend! I love my knife .. I think we will get along very well.

My full board ..

My station .. Katie W, Katie R (with the knife) and Karly was next to me.

That's Brittany in the back and Anushka (who is from Belgium) they were at the station behind us.

Kyle is on the far side, David and Cait.

Family meal .. I love that we have a cookery class at the same time .. Double the food! (:

The whole class .. Can you spot me? Oh and the two black women are Collette and Sylvia. Blogger wouldn't let me upload their photo. Oh and Chef Sue is the in bottom left hand courner. She has green stripes on the collar of her whites.

So that was my amazing day. I have asked and Chef said that I could bring my phone into the kitchen to take pictures so you should see some new ones every week! (:

I gotta get ready for work .. write more soon ..


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