Monday, November 21, 2011

Sorry Sorry Sorry

Sorry guys! I know its been a long time since I have posted on here and I've got so much to update you on. First off, my semester is almost over! I can't believe it! Only 28 days left! Ah! I still think I am doing okay, its getting harder here at the end because I've got a million papers to write and tests every week, but I am hoping to still get good grades in all my classes!

Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I am happy and sad all at the same time. I am happy because I will get to see my family and some friends AND I am cooking for the first time this year. I am making white cheddar mac n cheese and pumpkin spice cheesecake.

I am sad because D will not be able to make it into town and that breaks my heart. I know that to him its not such a big deal because being in the army and his parents living in Florida, it never really happened. He was gone or couldn't afford to go, so its nothing new to him not to be around. But I hate it. It's the time to be with your family and be surrounded by love! It makes me sad to think he will be at his work on Thanksgiving. I guess we will have to make it extra special next year!

So now I am going to post some of the pictures from the past three weeks cuz I can't remember everything that I did!

Family meal

The class

Homemade Gelato from the desserts class

Pretty trees outside the library (where I had been writing all my blog posts, but I don't have to do that anymore!! yay!)

My amazing tournet'd potatoes! I was so proud of myself! It was also spice/herb day.

The Salsa that I had to make for today. Yum!

I had to roast all the potatoes with thyme and rosemary .. they were awesome!

Pasta with dill butter .. I love dill

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