Saturday, December 24, 2011

7 things about me

Good morning from California!

I have been waking up around 9 a.m. out here everyday and I think that it's driving D crazy! I am not usually a late sleeper at home, so by the time 9 rolls around out here (which means its noon at home) I am itching to get out of bed. But by about 3 I am ready for a nap! lol.. So while he was still in bed I thought I would write you a little something, seeing as how I've been neglecting you all so bad!

So I thought that I would introduce you a little more to me, since you are reading the things that I write, why not get to know the author? So I will start with just a few random things to help you get to know me a little better (:

1. The only thing that I hate about winter is the static electricity! I know most people think I am crazy in general for being a lover of cold and snow, but I really do love winter. I have a childlike urge to go play as soon as it starts snowing and I love it until about March. By then I am ready for spring! But the static drives me nuts (Anyone who lives in the north are shaking their heads in agreement right now!) You can't put anything on or take anything off without your hair sticking to your face and neck. You shock yourself on everything, Its just a pain.

2. I am very open and very trusting of people, almost to a fault. If you ever meet me, I will probably tell you more about myself and my life than you ever wanted to hear. I also believe people. I am not naive, but I'm just not jaded either. I have been lied to, cheated on, walked all over, in every relationship and a lot of friendships that I've been in, I am sure many of you have been as well. I just choose to believe that there are still good people out there. I had someone ask me the other day how I trust anyone after everything that I've been through, and I simply told him, I just do. I believe that people can change if they want to and that there is mostly good in most people. It's hard sometimes not to see only the bad things, but to find the good in everyone as well. 

3. I crave sushi on a regular basis. It's like clockwork. I don't know if it's from the the salt in the soy sauce or the spice of the wasabi but I have to have it at least once a month. I would prefer it about every two weeks, but sometimes that just can't happen. To be honest, I would probably eat it even more if it weren't so expensive. I've been to a lot of good places for it too. Wasabi in Spring Hill, FL, Domo in San Francisco, CA, but I love my little home town place, Oh Tokoyo in Milford, MI. It's usually the one thing that I spoil myself with. And I have to have it with Sapporo. And now I've made myself hungry!

4. I drink my coffee with skim milk. Hazelnut coffee preferrably. I love the smell and the taste. It feels like a giant cup of fall. I used to drink my coffee with lots of cream and sugar, then it went down to just cream, and now it's dropped to skim milk. Every now and then I will use cream, if there is no skim, or if it's a tasty flavor, but generally I like my skim.

5. My name Foodbeeb came about from a nickname and a love of food. Most people in relationships can tell you that at one time or another they've talked baby talk to their significant other. Well I have too. I would come in and get real excited and say Hi Babe! But in my baby voice it sounded like beeb instead of babe. My boyfriend thought that was hilarious and has proceeded to call me Beeb ever since. Hence Foodbeeb.

6. I could eat a block of Feta a day. No I'm not kidding. I love Feta on everything. If they have it I order it. Pizza, salad, pasta, burgers, sandwhiches, YUM! I love Feta. I am sure it has something to do with the saltiness but it is kind of my favorite.

7. I am a hardcore napper. I nap whenever possible. Cat nap - Check. 2 hour nap -Yes please. Not sure why I hated the idea as a child, because now as an adult I can hardly find time to lay down and nap, but when I do, I take full advantage. Even if it's just snuggling on the couch, not necessarily sleeping, but just relaxing I am always down. Wrap me up in a thick blanket, give me a pillow, good night (:

So, there are just a couple things about me that you might not have known. I think its fun sometimes to sit down and think about the random habits and desires that we have. Helps you get to know yourself a little more.

jay <3

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